This site aims to provide various book reviews, free ebooks on Networking and Internet which contains basic networking, network layers, OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model, Switches, Routers, Firewall, QOS packet networks, Network Security, Network Protocols, Internetworking, Wireless networking, WiMAX, Home Networking, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Communication Networks, LAN, WAN, MAN, IPTV services, DNS, BIND, Router Firewall Security, VPN Design, Network Defense, 802.11 Wireless Networking, 802.11 Lan Fundamentals, IPV6 Networks, Network Virtualization, LAN switching, Twisted Network Programming and Host intrusion prevention, etc.

Linux Networking Cookbook (review only)

Linux Networking Cookbook is written by Carla Schroder. This Linux Networking Cookbook contains everything you need to perform a Linux administrator job and gives you exactly what you need to perform the job.This book is published by O'Reilly Media. This Linux Networking Cookbook is equally helpful to experienced as well as nova networking professionals who wish to work in the Linux field.
Following are the few topics covered in this Linux Networking Cookbook book.
  1. You will learn concepts of maintain and building computer networks, clearly explains the commands and configurations etc.

  2. This Networking book teaches how to build a gateway, firewall, and wireless access point on a Linux network and also VoIP server with Asterisk Secure remote administration with SSH Building secure VPNs with OpenVPN.

  3. More precisely this Linux Cookbook will help you in getting familiar with IPv6 Setting up hands-free networks installations of new systems via serial console.